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Navigating Through Cyber Threats | IntigrityShield

Anyone can be hacked off their data anytime. Whether you are on social media, iPhone, laptop, or office computer, you should always be cautious when on the internet. While on the browser, be sure that the browser is encrypted such that hackers won’t be able to read any information.  

You might wonder what hackers want. They want everything. From your address to credit card details, everything can be a potential target of hackers. Identity theft is a serious cybercrime and has victimized a million people across the globe.  

We are always connected to people and our work through the internet. We have a separate network system within a work environment and every second, we upload useful information on the network. Hackers can steal these and sell them into the dark web. 

The results are catastrophic. More than losing money to recover damage, it leads to loss of reputation and criminal activities under your name. Hence, your digital doors should be tightly locked all the time.  

Cyber threats in 2024  

As technology is evolving with the inclusion of innovation, hackers are using the same technologies to manipulate even your security systems. They can poison the data fed to the cybersecurity system and disrupt the security of your infrastructure.  

They can target specific employees and mimic them to reach the helpdesk to ask for lost credentials. This is an easy access where hackers do not have to spend much money and yet can enter the core system. Such overlooked platforms can open your digital doors wide open to attackers. 

If you believe your security system can provide long-term security, then you need to think again. The software update notification that you get is an evidence of rapidly evolving threat vectors and hence no security solutions can be the one and permanent solution for security problems. 

According to reports from Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime will cost the world a whopping $9.5 trillion by 2024. Finance and accounting departments are the favourite targets of hackers for retrieving money along with ransomware attacks. 

Beat Cyber Threats with IntigrityShield 

IntigrityShield has taken all recent events and improved hacking modes into account to curate the best and most advanced security solutions that are dynamic, actionable, and productive. You can be assured that your system will never face a day without being monitored and updated. 

IntigrityShield security solutions are cutting-edge and a notch above the rest of the cybersecurity solutions. Here’s how: 

Comprehensive Security Platform: No one has the time to give extra effort and time to focus on cybersecurity. Hence, a comprehensive platform is all that one needs to navigate cyber threats. Artificial intelligence powered by Security Intelligence and Event Management (aiSIEM) gives a complete visibility of all user activity and hosts affected by threats, helping you to orchestrate security responses. 

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence and machine learning-powered Extended Detection and Response (aiXDR) spans all sources and endpoints to check entry possibilities of hackers and initiate rapid response and action for mitigating threats. This also enhances ransomware detection and saves you from extortion.  

  Prevention is Better Than Cure : Prevention is better than cure. The same applies to securing your system. While you adopt security solutions to detect and mitigate threats, it is impertinent to know all the vulnerabilities present to prevent attacks. IntigrityShield vulnerability assessment and Penetration testing test your system to cover up loopholes. 

Human Intelligence: Human errors are the weakest link. Every cyber threat initiate from a tiny human error, hence, empowering yourself as a cyber smart individual and educating your employees creates the strongest barrier against cyber-attacks. IntigrityShield helps train and educate people to understand the modes of cyber threats. If you can seal the first barrier, you have the strongest security.  


Be sure to recognize new ways of hacking systems in 2024. But with IntigrityShield be sure to beat and prevent them with the latest and most robust technologies and awareness. Technologies are not the absolute solution, hence, being aware of cyber threats, and your system’s vulnerabilities is a must perquisite for defending your organization against cybercrime.  


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