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aiSIEM and aiXDR for MSP

Managed SIEM & aiXDR Solutions

IntigrityShield is dedicated to bolstering our MSP and MSSP partners with a cutting-edge platform that drives modern detection and response services, ensuring profitability and significantly reducing risks for their clientele.

aiSIEM and aiXDR for MSP​ intigrityshield
Streamlined Security Stack Complexity

Many of our MSPs and MSSPs benefit from reducing the complexity of their security stack. This streamlining allows for a more efficient service delivery team, enhancing their capability to detect and block threats and breaches at scale.

Extensive Partner Success

With a network of over 300 partners, IntigrityShield sees success in reselling and implementing high-margin, efficient security services. These services include automated cyber threat remediation and continuous compliance, collectively benefiting over 8,000 clients.

Efficient Threat Detection and Response

The platform empowers MSPs and MSSPs to not only reduce complexity but also achieve a more efficient service delivery. This efficiency extends to the proactive detection and scalable blocking of threats and breaches, ensuring a robust cybersecurity posture for clients.

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